The organization and the event had different venues – Cologne and Vilnius.
The headquaters of basic organization was Cologne executed by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, who was not only developing the concepts for the events in Lithuania, preparing the exhibitions, but also was coordinating the different partners and their activities in the context of “A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013”. For the partof of activities @ Jewish Culture & Information Center, its director Algis Gurevicius was responsible, for instance, also the inclusion of AVM Vilnius 2013 in 4th World Litvak Congress (20-25 October 2013)
In Lithuania, there were different places as venues – Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania – and – Kedainiai, a small town close to Kaunas, which was chosen as a venue, because in Kedainiai there is one of a few synagogues surviving the German occupation & World War II,
the former synagogue is now part of the Regional Museum of Kedainiai as a multicultural center.
Also in Vilnius were several venues for different types of events:
1. JCIC – Jewish Culture and Information Center
2. Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
3. St. Catherine’s Church
3. Synagogue Kedainiai
Jewish Culture & Information Center
The Jewish Culture & Information Center is the main venue and the central meeting point of A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013, the place where most Interventions start to take place during the event days in Vilnius.
It was hosting the symposium on 24-26 September 2013 with the lectures , artists presentations & talks, discussions, starting at 10h and closing on 19h, as well as the exhibitions and screenings to be inaugurated on 23 September 2013, it was organising the concert by Arturas Bumsteinas (Lithuania) as an intervention @ St. Catherines’s Church on 26 Septmeber 2013, a concert hall runn by the municipalily of Vilnius.
The acoustics are excellent, and the venue is used for cultural events, as well as for rehearsals and concerts of the Šv. Kristoforo kamerinis orkestras, the choir “Jauna muzika” , the boys’ and young people’s choir “Ąžuoliukas” and other artistic collectives and performers.
The Vilnius Jewish Culture and Information Center is a not-for-profit organization established by Vilnius municipality. It is located in the former Jewish quarter in the old town of Vilnius and offers information about the Jewish past of Vilnius. Algis Gurevicius was acting the director of JCIC.
A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 – catalogue for download
artvideoKOELN international
the international curatorial initiative “art & moving images”
Founded in 2010 by Agricola de Cologne as the operations platform for his curatorial activitiesw in the field of “art & moving images”, artvideoKOELN is running the film and video art activities like CologneOFF – Cologne International Videoart Festival which was represented in Vilnius via a selection of the recent festival program, and the associated platforms like VideoCHANNEL, VIP – VideoCHANNEL Interview Project, VAD – Video Art Database and Draft Title: Shoah
Tolerance Hall @ Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum
Established in 1913 and re-established in 1991 as a state museum, the museum has the mission to collect, preserve, recreate and exhibit the material and spiritual heritage of Lithuanian Jews with the aim to fill the vast cultural gap in the narrative of Lithuanian history and the worldview of its inhabitants resulting from the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.
To enhance and cherish democratic and humanitarian values in society, based on the examples of global Jewish history and the tragedy of the Holocaust in Lithuania and Europe.
To offer foreign tourists an opportunity to get better acquainted with the history of the Lithuanian Jews.
To broaden visitors’ (especially young individuals’) horizons by focussing on the history of Lithuanian Jews.
To reflect the changes in the political and cultural environment in the light of historic precedents and modern cultural needs by organizing respective events and exhibitions. To broaden society’s horizons and to enhance its sensitivity to the feasible dangers faced by modern democracies.
To introduce society to famous Jews of Lithuanian descent who played an important role in Lithuanian and world history, culture and art.
To develop the artistic taste of visitors by offering opportunities to get acquainted with the unique works of talented Jewish artists, including paintings, music and literature.
To strive for a memorable dialogue with different generations in society by invoking various forms of modern discourse, including a variety of opportunities offered by modern museology.
The museum is and was participating in two concern, hosting the performance by Doron Polak @ the Tolerance Hall (where events of different kind are orghanised) and taking actively part in Shoah Film Collection by providing the documentary film by Lilia Kopac (Lithuania) – The Pit of Life and Torment, 2013, 60:00, which again is not only documenting the Jewish children rescue during the Nazi era, but also the magnificent museum department dedicated to the Jewish children rescue curated by Danute Selcinskaja, who is a most valuable advisor for Shoah Film Collection.
Kedainia Regional Museum
Multi Cultural Center
The second Lithuanian city involved in “A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013” was Kedainiai and its Regional Museum hosting the Multicultural Centre established in a former Small Winter synagogue of the 19th c. was opened in 2002. In the Centre, there is an exposition about the Jewish community in Kėdainiai and the Holocaust. The Centre organizes various cultural events, concerts of jazz and professional music, exhibitions and seminars. The Centre also implements an educational and club activity. The Center was exhibiting and scereening the films of Shoah Film Collection between 1-29 October 2013. The copies of “Shoah Film Collection” were given to the museum as a donation.
The organisation was supported by the Israeli Embassy in Riga, US Embassy in Vilnius, the Austrian Embassy in Vilnius, the Swedish Embassy in Vilnius, the UK Embassy in Vilnius, Instituto Italiano Vilnius & Institut Francais Vilnius, which all had their individual part of organisation.