
is.amb.ben.yaakov_vilnius2013My primary thanks go to the Israeli Ambassador in the Baltic countries, Her Excellency Ms. Hagit Ben Yaakov. Without her personal engagement in Riga 2012 und Vilnius 2013, the projects wouldn’t have been realised, at all.

jcic-manager_vivlnius_02 Special thanks go the manager of JCIC Vilnius, Rima Kazlauskaite & director, Algis Gurevicius

vilnius507_selcinskaja_03 Another big thank go to Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum for the trustful collabo – ration during the preparations & realisation of the project in Vilnius & participating in Shoah Film Collection via Danute Selcinskaja, curator at Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, who deserves a particular thank, also for the wonderful curatorial work on the Jewish Children Rescue.
But the artists must not be forgotten, without them, neither Shoah Film Collection, nor any AVM event would exist. So, thousands of thanks to them.

My thanks go further to the German sponsors Zenith Art Systems (Bonn) and Karthäuser & Breuer (Cologne).

Finally, the European Parliament, whose patronage gave the project a publically perceivable status.




Draft Title: Shoah
SFC – Shoah Film Collection
SFC Blog
SFCIP – Shoah Film Collection Interview Project
AVMCI – A Virtual Memorial – International Center for Commemorative Interventions
A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013

are media art projects created, organized and coordinated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
copyright © 2009-2014 by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Text, images and videos – copyright © by the authors or owners.